
Copyright Notice

All original works on this website are copyright 2018 by Advanced Systems Design, and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA).  You have permission to copy, use or modify those original works, as long as you provide acknowledgment of the source (this website) and include a reference link back to the original content, or to the website's home page.  Any derivative works you create from this content MUST also be made available under this same licensing.

For derivative works we have used on this website, we attempt to provide appropriate credit (including liinks when required) in the Acknowledgments section below. 


We believe all content on this website to be in the public domain, or used with permission of the respective copyright owners.  If you disagree, please contact us with the specifics of your complaint, including evidence of ownership and the owner's preferred method of resolution; we will investigate as soon as possible.  If we agree that we do not have permission we will at our discretion either comply with the owner's request, or remove the disputed content, as soon as possible.


  • This website uses the Drupal 7 CMS and many user-contributed Drupal 7 modules, all of which are to the best of our knowledge licensed under the GPL 2.0 or CC-BY-SA licenses.
  • This website uses IP2Location LITE data available from
  • The front page banner photo of the valley and the Merced river is a popular royalty-free image by Mikhail Kolesnikov
  • The banner photo of the valley on a snowy morning is by Chase Lindberg
  • The banner photo of Half Dome in the Spring is by Peter Gonzalez.