About Us

self portrait

Who Are We?

We are California residents who have owned and managed vacation rentals in the Yosemite area since 2006. We truly love working, exploring, and living in this inspiring (often challenging) mountain environment. And we thoroughly enjoy sharing these experiences with our guests.

Why create Yosemite's Best?

Our original motivation for this website was to create a single place online where our guests could find helpful information about all of our properties, and share our favorite things to see and do while here.  Over the course of development we realized that this website could also provide helpful services to a much wider audience, including all visitors to the area as well as local community residents and businesses.

What We Think "For You. By You" Means

While we can provide basic website content, we acknowledge that our audience knows far more about their own Yosemite experience than we do.  So we designed this website from the ground up to encourage, collect and preserve the contributed content, opinions and ratings from you, our users.  While we reserve the right to remove any user content that we believe is irrelevant, offensive or illegal, in general we pledge to keep such editing to a minimum.  We want this to be an information resource for you, the user.

This is our vision for Yosemite's Best. So please feel free to browse, enjoy, and perhaps learn something new. If you feel so inclined, please feel free to contribute your own photos, comments, reviews, articles, or other helpful content to this community resource. (You will need to register to post content, so go ahead and register now.)  Contact us if you would like to contrubute content but are not sure how to start.

We are also receptive to your criticisms, or any suggestions for improvement you may have. Ultimately, that is who we made this website for: you!

-David and Suzanne